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I am dedicated to cutting through the confusion surrounding nutrition and guiding you towards a positive, healthy, and fulfilling relationship with both food and your body. By utilizing the latest evidence-based information on nutrition, I provide personalised online guidance that will empower you to make meaningful changes to your health and lifestyle.


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About Me


My journey began when I was 10 years old. I was diagnosed with a hereditary predisposition to high cholesterol levels, which meant that I needed to take great care to ensure that I ate a healthy, balanced diet, and understood why I had to follow specific guidelines in my daily life. This experience led me to study nutrition as an undergraduate and conduct research into the factors that cause obesity and health-related problems in young people.

I completed my Bachelor's degree in nutrition and dietetics with first-class honours in 2014. My academic performance from 2010 to 2011 earned me an achievement award from the State Scholarship Foundation, which helped me secure a scholarship for my studies. In 2013, I was selected as a Research Assistant at the World Health Organization, where I took anthropometric measurements of children aged 6-10 years old for the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI).

During my studies, I worked as a Food Analyst Research Assistant where my team and I developed innovative food products aimed at improving people's health. Our research focused on studying the effects of different food ingredients on the body and their synergies. In addition to this, I was also a Nutritionist and Dietitian Researcher at the "Alliance for Health - Nutrition" program. This program focused on international nutrition education programs to address degenerative diseases. I conducted nutritional assessments, provided education on healthy dietary habits and behavioural changes in people with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes in three different cities in Greece.

Upon completion of my studies, I was fortunate offered the position of an International Public Health Research Assistant at the University of Westminster. My primary role in this position was to develop research proposals for the UK's Public Health Nutrition program.

In 2015, I received the Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship for Research to pursue my PhD in Medicine at the University of Nottingham's Department of Child Health, Obstetrics, and Gynaecology. My research focuses on identifying factors that stimulate brown adipose tissue in healthy adults and patients, with the aim of finding ways to activate this tissue to help people lose weight. Apart from being a researcher, I was also involved in the endocrine and bariatric clinics at the Royal Derby Hospital, where I observed patients' treatment. I was an active member of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Mentorship Scheme Working Group as a postgraduate representative and served as a postgraduate research student on the People Committee at the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham.

During my studies, I had the opportunity to deliver presentations to classes of 20-25 children aged 9-10 years in different schools as part of the "Body and Health Learning Leaders Project". The presentations included hands-on activities and quizzes regarding human anatomy and nutritional information. I also achieved an Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) from the Higher Education Academy during this time. Before finishing my studies and starting my own business, I worked in the private sector as a clinical evaluation researcher and technical writer in medical devices. This gave me the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of how medical devices, such as pacemakers or blood sugar monitors, work on human bodies. Additionally, I was given the opportunity to intern as a Paediatric Dietitian at the NHS. Throughout the years, I have had the honour of being a reviewer at several prestigious journals, including the British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, Scientific Research Publishing, Journal of Bioscience and Medicines, and Food and Nutrition Sciences. This has allowed me to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in my profession. Since 2020 I have been providing nutritional and educational training to businesses and orgranisations.

I have volunteered in key positions to help my local community grow bigger. I have been to events at the University of Nottingham promoting healthy eating, being an ESOL volunteer English teacher at beginner and intermediate level to immigrants and refuges and being a volunteer at Diabetes UK. 

I have won the Nottingham Advantage Award from the University of Nottingham in 2019, being shortlisted for Leadership Prize Award by Mars in 2019 and the Bronze Futures Award from the University of Derby in 2023 for my career development.  

I am Dr Anastasia-Viktoria Lazaridi a Registered Dietitian in the United Kingdom and Greece.


Level 2 Qualification in "Understanding children and young's mental health" - 2023, Training Qualifications UK

Dietetic practice in Diabetes - 2020, British Dietetic Association

Introduction to Parenteral Nutrition - 2020, British Dietetic Association

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Dietetic Management and Symptom Control Course - 2020, British Dietetic Association

Level 2 Qualification in "Spots Leadership" - 2017, Leadership Skills Foundation

Introduction to Good Clinical Practice - 2014 and 2019, University of Nottingham


Health & Care and Professions Council - Dietitian Member

Full Member at the British Dietetic Association

Autism Specialist Sub-Group - British Dietetic Association

Food Allergy Specialist Group - British Dietetic Association

Freelance Dietitians Specialist Groups


Asbaghi, O., Moradi, S., Kashkooli, S., Zobeiri, M., Nezamoleslami, S., Kermani, M.A.H., Lazaridi, A.V. and Miraghajani, M., 2022. The effects of oral magnesium supplementation on glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose–response meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. British Journal of Nutrition, 128(12), pp.2363-2372.

Jalili, C., Moradi, S., Mirzababaei, A., Mohammadi, H., Heydarzadeh, F., Miraghajani, M. and Lazaridi, A.V., 2021. Effects of Anethum graveolens (dill) and its derivatives on controlling cardiovascular risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Herbal Medicine, 30, p.100516.

Moradi, S., Entezari, M.H., Mohammadi, H., Jayedi, A., Lazaridi, A.V., Kermani, M.A.H. and Miraghajani, M., 2022. Ultra-processed food consumption and adult obesity risk: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 63(2), pp.249-260.

Jalili, C., Moradi, S., Babaei, A., Boozari, B., Asbaghi, O., Lazaridi, A.V., Kermani, M.A.H. and Miraghajani, M., 2020. Effects of Cynara scolymus L. on glycemic indices: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Complementary therapies in medicine, 52, p.102496.

Eslampour, E., Asbaghi, O., Hadi, A., Abedi, S., Ghaedi, E., Lazaridi, A.V. and Miraghajani, M., 2020. The effect of almond intake on blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Complementary therapies in medicine, 50, p.102399.

Manavi, C. & Lazaridi, A.V. (2015). Nutrition throughout time: Traditional products and innovation in a multicultural society in the midst of an economic crisis. Fork to Farm: International Journal of Innovative Research and Practice. 2.

Lazaridi, A.V., 2012. The Body Mass Index (BMI) and TV Viewing in a Co-Integration Framework. Sociology Mind, 2(03), p.282.

Mohammadi, H., Parastouei, K., Rostami, H., Miraghajani, M., Rafiee, M., Ghavami, A. and Lazaridi, A.V., 2023. Vitamin D Supplementation in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review. Journal of Nutrition and Food Security.

Lazaridi, A. V., Symonds, M. E., Budge, H. (2017). Metabolically active brown adipose tissue in healthy adults through mild cold water exposure. Postgraduate Oral Presentation Event, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham. Nottingham, UK, 27/10. 

Lazaridi, A. V., Symonds, M. E., Budge, H. (2016). Activating brown fat could reduce body weight. M&HS Faculty Postgraduate Research Forum, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham. Nottingham, UK, 29/6.

Manavi, C. & Lazaridi, A. V. (2014). Nutrition through the ages: tradition and innovation in a Multicultural society in crisis (a theoretical and experimental approach). Food taste & Society 2014. Thessaloniki, Greece, 30-31/5 and 1/6.


Lazaridi, A. V., Symonds, M. E., Budge, H. (2016). Activating brown fat could reduce body weight. M&HS Faculty Postgraduate Research Forum, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, 26/6.

Lazaridi, A. V., Symonds, M. E., Budge, H. (2017). Acclimatisation periods in the in vivo analysis of human brown adipose tissue” at the Nottingham Paediatric Research Showcase Conference. Nottingham, UK 14/6.

Kapoukranidou, D. & Lazaridi, A.V. (2013). Knowledge of salt content in foods: A report for young adults. 13th International Nutrition and Diagnostics Conference. Olomouch, Czech Republic, 26-29/8.

Lazaridi, A.V. (2013). Fruits and Vegetables: Are they properly consumed by students? 13th International Nutrition and Diagnostics Conference. Olomouch, Czech Republic, 26-29/8.

Kapoukranidou, D. & Lazaridi, A.V. (2013). Food labels: Investigation of knowledge and awareness. 28th Northern Greece medical conference with nationwide participation. Thessaloniki, Greece, 4-6/4.

Lazaridi, A.V. (2012). Young adults and Vitamin D deficiency: The associated factors. 12th International Nutrition and Diagnostics Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30/8.



Miraghajani, M., Lazaridi, A.V. and Hajianfar, H., 2021. Bioactive Peptides Derived from Cereals and Their Health Potential. In Bioactive Peptides (pp. 95-110). CRC Press. 

Miraghajani, M.S., Lazaridi, A.V., Pathak. S., Bhatt. P., Pathak. Y., 2019. Nutraceuticals for Prenatal, Maternal, and Offspring’s Nutritional Health (pp. 1-7). CRC Press.

Image by Artur Łuczka

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